二宮家バラ園と日本庭園 Ninomiya Rose & Japanese Garden – かつては豪農として新発田藩の膝元で栄えた二宮家。今も家族はこの屋敷を維持し て住み続けています。多くの方のご要望で、弁天潟をのぞむ日本庭園と趣味で始め たバラ園を、開花時期の 5 月末から 6 月にかけて一般公開しています。
We are open in public every year from the middle of May for about 4 weeks.
The gardens are owned by The Ninomiya Family and opened to the public during the most beautiful season of the year. You can enjoy a variety of the roses and also serenity of 150 year old typical Japanese garden in the 10,000...